UCSF Neuro and Musculoskeletal Imaging

UCSF Neuro and Musculoskeletal Imaging

Radiographic Evaluation of FAI – Matthew D. Bucknor, MD, MFAMRI of Shoulder Instability – Lynne S. Steinbach, MDBone-RADS – Managing Incidental Lesions – Matthew D. Bucknor, MD, MFADiagnostic Hip Ultrasound – Kevin C. McGill, MD, MPHMRI of the Rotator Cuff – Lynne S. Steinbach, MDHip

NYU Langone’s Head to Toe Imaging

NYU Langone’s Head to Toe Imaging

NYU Langone’s Head to Toe Imaging NYU Langone’s Head to Toe Imaging Synopsis Accreditation Date of Original Release: February 1, 2022Date Credits Expire: January 31, 2025 TOPICS / SPEAKERS Thoracic ImagingCOVID Updates: Acute & Long-Term Complications of COVID-19 – Georgeann McGuinness, MD, FACRHRCT